Category: Spirituality
The Tintinnabulations of Success
The social world is skewered by presumptive notions of truth, typically arising from the realms of politics and religion. When politics has abandoned its own neutralizing center, preferring extremist ideas instead, and when religion abandons the living Spirit in favor of dead or obsolete dogma, there will be social unrest. This is because…
American Politics and the Spice of Independence
To be politically independent means being true to our integrity, and we cannot be true to our integrity without also being spiritually independent. To be more than the product of our impulses, we must live with a heart surrendered, that we might access the wisdom within our soul as conveyed to us through the…
Honoring the Essence of the Earth: What is Destiny?
The concept of destiny seems to require a vehicle through which to effect a particular outcome in a person’s life. According to a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 83% of Americans believe in a soul or spirit which exists in addition to our physical selves. Perhaps these are related to…